Monday, October 30, 2017

Bowie Disbatch

The first story that caught my eye was the one about Blake Moyer one because I know him and two because I have seen the impact that the renovation on the choir room has made, the difference is uncanny. 

The second story that caught my eye was the one about the founding of our school. I think its cool that we have a school that has been around for as long as 30 years and that it is old enough to have several graduates teach hear. 

Free Shoot (An Afternoon With my Dog)

Studio Free Shoot (Music)

Monday, October 16, 2017

Studio Shoot 10/16/17

Butterfly with fill
Split with fill
Rembrandt with fill
Loop with fill

Friday, October 6, 2017

Holloween Shoot

1. Enchanted

2. Ghoulish 

3. Chilling 

4. Eerie

5. Ominous

6. Undead 

7. Stange 

8. The Path to Death